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Since our inception, Tech4Policy has been totally
focused on building robust strategies that accomplish our clients' ambitions.

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Paulo Valente

Managing Director and Founder

Technology is present in every moment of our lives today.

That poses challenges and opportunities for organisations which require a fluid communication with each and every stakeholder.

Information has become excessive and the biggest challenge that organisations presently face is to convey the right message to policy makers and other stakeholders. 

We believe that technology must have a societal purpose. That is the message we work with our clients and deliver their stakeholders.

That is also the reason we are Technology for Policy. Our message is always focused on showing the why behind every technology.  

Paulo has a combined experience of senior roles on telecom operators, trade associations, standard development organisations and regulators. 

A Portuguese national, Paulo holds a Law degree, enriched with various studies on Law and Economics of Sectorial Regulation, Financial Analysis and Law & Management.

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