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Public Affairs

Digitalisation has brought a new set of challenges that companies and businesses have to deal with. Our holistic understanding of the interplay between the various sectors allows us to convey the most adequate message to policy makers.

We also have a complete understanding of the stakeholder ecosystem. That differentiates our organisation and enables our customers to be ahead of their competition. Our Public Affairs practice elaborates the most adequate plan for our clients' ambitions.

Law Firms have new challenges to achieve their clients' objectives and Tech4Policy provides a tailored service that enhances their line of services.

Regulatory and Competition Law Strategy

Regulation is one of the most impactful risks that businesses have always faced. European Union regulations have various types of impact even on territories beyond the EU. Organisations need a sound and robust strategy that achieves favourable regulation and that allows them to operate efficiently.

Recent years have also shown an increasing importance of  Competition policy makers and regulators. We are permanently following market dynamics and incorporating it on our strategy. Business models are changing exponentially and sharing with regulators these changes is our main driver for constructive solutions.

Technology Policy

With the digitalisation that is impacting all industries, new and existing technologies face challenges and present opportunities that require close monitoring. We incorporate horizontal analysis and focus on the interplay of various technologies on all our projects .​

Our firm works with a strong network of experts that follows market developments on a vast array of technologies:

  • Wireless technologies - 5G, Wi-Fi, LPWAN (Low Power Wide Are Networks), SRD (Short Range Devices)

  • Fixed technologies - FTTx, Cable, Vectoring, G.Fast

  • Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning

  • Privacy and Trust

  • Cybersecurity

  • Digitalisation

  • Actionable Data

  • Media Tech (Programatic Advertising), Digital Assistants, Content protection and piracy 

  • Blockchain, Tokenization, Cryptocurrency, Smart Contracts

  • AdTech/MarTech

  • Innovation + Ethics

  • Standardisation (Intellectual Property Rights)

Policy Impact on Financial Assets

The European Union produces regulation that impacts the way businesses can operate. Each regulation is drafted with more or less intrusive consequences for the business model of the organisations that operate in Europe. Our network of experts evaluates the impact that regulation initiatives may have on financial assets and their market conditions to operate. 

Stakeholders Engagement

We work with our clients to align the engagement of various stakeholders in combined strategies that aim at common goals. We work with our clients to identify and organise groups of interest that aggregate matchable objectives.

© 2019 by Tech4Policy Consultancy. 

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